Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 27th Day Three

Today we took the boat back to Antler's and we hiked up Black Bear Mountain. It wasn't what I was expecting at all, for I have never climbed a mountain before or have gotten the chance to do so. I did not except such a rigorous trip up, although I did enjoy the experience. It isn't everyday that we get to climb a mountain like that and see the view below from a much higher elevation. Although it was a lot of work getting to the top, I think it was most definitely worth the experience and seeing the great outdoors from atop that mountain. Although we were in the woods, we did not see as much wildlife as I saw, so that got me thinking that maybe there aren't enough resources for these animals to live on in these woods of the mountains because resources are becoming depleted. It kind of made me realize we really do need to start taking action in cleaning up the environment and making it a better place for animals to establish their habitats again.
Another thing that we got to see today that I have never seen was Ferd's Bog. Although we got there late, we did get to see the different types of plants that grow there through the seasons. Ed the guide of the bog, also explained different animals that we could see there if it was the right time. I thought that this was interesting because I never really thought about the different species of birds that are out there. Also, his showing of the pictures in Carlson classroom was quite interesting. We got a chance to see images that he has seen before and is description of them and their natural beauty. The last thing that he had made us do was creative writing activity. I thoroughly enjoyed this, because it almost makes you create an image in your head as your writing details down about things that are going on around you using your senses. I definitely think that this would be very useful in the classroom because it allows children to be creative and make their own interpretation of things such as nature.
Lastly we met the author of Adirondack Green, John Slade. He made a huge realization that us as Americans need to actually take part in action to start making this a better place. He shared with us his thoughts on energy and the wind turbines and I strongly agree that we could be saving much more energy with these things. Although some people make not like to look at them, there are many things out there that people don't like to look and that use fossil fuels and still have them put around them such as industries and highways that are the backyards for some people.

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